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Joining an ICA guild is easy – you can contact us here or ring our office at 01 6680002. We’ll ask you for you name, address, phone number and some of your interests so we can match you to a guild that shares your interests.

If you try out the guild we’ve set you up with and you’re not sure it’s the right fit, let us know. We’ll work with you to find a guild you’ll enjoy!

{{name=first_name*}} {{name=last_name*}}

{{name=email* label=”Email Address”}} {{name=phone* label=”Phone Number” placeholder=”Phone (eg. 081 123 4567)”}}

{{name=address* label=”Address” type=”textarea”}}

I’m interested in …
{{name=interests options=”Arts and Crafts,Outdoor,Gardening,Cooking,Social Events,Theatre,Competitions,History” type=”checkboxes” class=”row” default=””}}

{{name=”comment” type=textarea}}

{{name=”privacy_policy*” type=checked}}