AGM 2022

It was a pleasure to finally meet in person for the first time in three years at the Knightsbrook Hotel in Trim Co. Meath at the weekend (27th and 28th May). Over 200 members attended and 92 Guilds were represented via their Voting Delegates at the AGM on Saturday 28th May. Meath Federation ran a hugely successful programme of events on Friday 27th May, and entertained visitors with a visit to Killeen Abbey, a wreath laying ceremony at the final resting place of Lady Fingall President of the Society of United Irishwomen from 1912-1942, and flowers were also placed on the grave of Former ICA National President Kitty Harlin of Meath Federation. Meath County Council hosted a reception in the Killeen Castle Golf Club and the evening finished off with dinner and entertainment in the Knightsbrook hotel.

On Saturday 28th May the AGM opened with the usual formalities and reports were received from the National Officers, the National Advisory Committee and all the NAC sub-committees: the Handcraft committee, the Produce Committee, the Arts committee, the Climate Action and sustainability committee and Coiste na Gaeilge. The National President, National Secretary and National Treasurer all presented their reports. Hilda Roche National President welcomed a number of new Guilds including Lennon in Donegal and Mill Street in Cork, see video.

The Annual Report, the Financial Statements and the Auditors were adopted and a motion regarding the Term of Office of a Federation Officer was also adopted by a majority vote. The Constitution will be updated to reflect the change of wording here. The Competitions secretary Helen Ui Mhuineachain made presentations to all the Contest winners a full list of which can be found shortly in the Competitions section of this website.

Margaret Broome Chair of the Women’s Institutes of Northern Ireland brought her customary greetings from the WINI and a presentation was made to Anna Sinnott Finance Manager who is retiring in June. Many thanks to the Members of the Procedures Committee for their work in the smooth running of the AGM . The Date of the AGM next year is Saturday 27th May 2023

Here a video for remembering ICA members who passed away since the last AGM:

Here a video about the new Guilds about Lenon, Donegal Federation, and Mill Street, Cork Federation