For the attention of the ICA Members – Beef Plan Movement

” I write to you during this time of huge concern for Irish farmers and indeed our economy.  The Mercosur trade deal in it’s current form is undoubtedly detrimental for Ireland.  In particular for our beef farmers, who have borne the brunt of low pricing and poor margins for some time now.   We have to challenge this threat and we need to do this together.  All farmers across all denominations and all farming organisations must unite.  Politics must be put to one side and support one another.  There is strength in unity and on the 10th July, I will attend the farmer’s protest outside Leinster House. 

I am a beef farmer living in the middle of Co. Kerry, an Agricultural Consultant and a member of the national executive of the Beef Plan Movement. 

The Beef Plan Movement is extremely concerned with the current Mercosur trade deal arrangements, as are so many other farming groups.  We feel that by standing up and standing out that there may be a chance to make a difference.  

I would very much appreciate if you would consider standing alongside me and fellow Beef Plan members next Wednesday outside Leinster House.  We feel that that this period in time is critical for Irish Beef farmers because the change that ”Mercosur” will bring is going to be terminal for so many.  It will cost lives and livelihoods.  

Please join with us,

yours faithfully,

Dermot O’Brien

Beef Plan Movement “