Vote of Thanks for Outgoing Chair of NAC

At the NAC meeting held on 6th July, the National President Josephine Helly thanked Michelle Early for her great work in chairing the NAC, noting particularly the important work she did on the Child Protection and GDPR policies. A vote of thanks for Michelle was passed, followed by a round of applause. The National President said she was happy to have Michelle’s experience available as she will continue to be a member of the NAC.

New Chair appointed to the NAC

Hilda Roche was unanimously elected as Chair of the NAC, having been nominated and seconded, at the NAC meeting held on 6th July. In accepting the position, Hilda cited her wide experience in chairing meetings and offered her commitment to the NAC in her new role as Chair.  Hilda was welcomed into the position by the National President and the members of the NAC.