Earthquake in Turkey and Syria – What happened and how to help

ICA is thinking about those affected by the current tragedy unfolding in Turkey and Syria, following the recent earthquake on 6th February 2023.
We want to do our part by raising funds in support of the affected communities. Here is some information about what happened and how you can help.
ICA expresses its deepest sympathies to the affected communities. All our thoughts are with those living and grieving during this immeasurable tragedy.
What happened
On Monday 6th of February 2023, a huge earthquake hit Turkey and the northwest part of Syria destroying several provinces and killing more than 22,000 people (data available as of 10 February 2023).
The first earthquake was classified as “major”, on the official magnitude scale, with an intensity of 7.8 and caused serious damage to buildings near the epicentre. A second earthquake of 7.5magnitude hit South-East Turkey immediately afterwards, worsening an already challenging situation and impacted infrastructure.
1. Infrastructure: The areas affected in Turkey and Syria were not prepared for these major earthquakes. In Syria, the situation was even worst considering the ongoing war and the challenging circumstances created by the war.
2. Geographical position: The areas hit by the earthquake are in a three-way meeting between faults where the African, Anatolian and Arabian plates come together increasing the risk.
3. Timing: The earthquake occurred in the early hours of the morning, when people were inside and asleep.
How to help
To provide immediate help the populations hit by the earthquake, ICA has set up an IDonate page.
All donations will go to support the work of UNICEF in the affected areas. UNICEF is working around the clock to provide children and their families with emergency supplies. A donation can make a life-saving difference to children:
- €250 can supply 5 first-aid kids, to help injured children.
- €100 could provide emergency food and hot meals for 100 children.
- €75 can provide 10 winter blankets to keep children safe and warm.
Anyone can further support the humanitarian efforts through organisations, such as:
Action Aid
Oxfam Ireland
Goal Global
Concern Worldwide
Christian Aid Ireland
World Vision Ireland
Irish Red Cross
Plan International Ireland