Message from outgoing National President Hilda Roche
A Chomhbhaill, Fellow Members
It has been a huge honour to be the National President of the ICA, the organisation I love.
I have met with members all over the country in Guilds and Federations and have seen at first hand the amazing talent we have in ICA, the work done by ICA members in their communities and the amount of money raised for charities.
ICA is a grassroots organisation and the support I got from the members was really appreciated.
I thank all the Guilds and Federations I visited over the three years for their warm welcome and for looking after me so well. I loved all these visits.
I take with me great memories and I leave behind the difficult times and the sleepless nights.
I wish the National President Mary D’Arcy the best of luck in her term of office.
Tabhair aire daoibh féin agus dá Chéile.
Take care of yourselves and each other
Enjoy all that is good about ICA
Le gach dea- ghuí