New Art Class!

We are delighted to announce a new series of Art Classes taking place in central office. Initiate by the National Art Committee, these classes will begin on the 27th September with a pencil sketching class;
The class is only open to ICA members, and it will be held at ICA Central Office, 58 Merrion Road, Dublin 4 from 12pm to 2pm. The cost is €10, plus the cost of the kit (sketching book A4 and a 2B pencil) payable on the day which will be confirmed shortly.
Pencil sketching has long been a popular art form as it is versatile, portable, and requires only a few basic art supplies. There are many styles in which you can sketch with a pencil: from simplistic lines to complex drawings and sketches.
Do not miss the opportunity to learn how to pencil sketch in the company of ICA friends. Places are limited on a first come first served basis. Book your place on Alternatively, email or call 01 6680002